UpSkill Orlando

The Partnership’s UpSkill Initiative is working to help companies understand the skill demands of the future and innovative tools that prepare our workforce for the pending threat of automation.

Re-Imagining Orlando’s Talent Supply

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View Skills-Based Hiring Report

Skills-Based Hiring Report

This report introduces data-backed, easy-to-implement strategies that local employers, individuals, and workforce developers can use to address the rapidly changing dynamics within the region’s labor market.

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View In-Demand Skills Report

In-Demand Skills Report

This report presents a business perspective on in-demand skills to equip higher education providers with tactics to embrace the language of skills used by employers.

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View Orlando Cybersecurity Talent Report

An Orlando Cybersecurity Talent Deep Dive

This report specifically focuses on Orlando’s opportunity to invest in the strength of its cybersecurity workforce while providing a common language for cybersecurity talent recruitment and outlines the top cybersecurity roles in Orlando.

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View Orlando Cybersecurity Talent Report

Employer Outcomes Implementing Skills-based Hiring

This report contains interviews with Human Resource leaders, talent acquisition professionals, and social impact specialists , each of which are currently piloting or implementing more skills-based strategies in their hiring process. They explaining the challenges and rewards since enacting skills-based changes.

Semiconductor Manufacturing in Orlando

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View Semiconductor Manufacturing Whitepaper Series Part I

An Industry and Ecosystem Primer

Part I is meant to be a practical guide to the current semiconductor manufacturing ecosystem in the Orlando region.

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View Semiconductor Manufacturing Whitepaper Series Part II

A Skills-based Approach
to Workforce

Part II is focused on understanding the semiconductor manufacturing workforce and identifying skills-based approaches for solving talent pipeline constraints.

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Supporting the Education Ecosystem

Part III maps the semiconductor manufacturing education ecosystem developing in Orlando.


2030 and Beyond

The Partnership works to provide insight and context to the Orlando region’s growth, how it will impact our community and actions we can take today to prepare for our long-term growth trajectory.

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View Orlando Transportation 2030 Report

Orlando Transportation 2030 Report

The report takes into account current trends and disruptions facing the Orlando region along with key mobility challenges and opportunities, and successful practices both within Central Florida and nationwide. It outlines a blueprint for the region’s transportation future, featuring seven regional priorities to move Orlando’s transportation system forward.

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View 2030 Report

2030 Report

Growth | Infrastructure | Industry | Workforce & EducationThis report addresses the question of what kind of world today’s first graders will enter when they graduate from high school in 2030. The question should inspire thought about Orlando’s current path. Using historical trends and a host of data sources, the following outlines a likely set of projections for Orlando’s future.