Orlando Economic Partnership Investor News Submission

The Investor News section, featured each week in the Partnership’s Business Insider newsletter, is an opportunity for investor to share announcements, promote upcoming events, celebrate company accolades, announce new hires or promote discounts and special offerings.


The Orlando Economic Partnership has an audience of over 46,000 communication followers & over 100,000 annual web visits.


Submission Criteria:

1) Company must be an investor in good standing with the Partnership.

2) Submissions are limited to 1 per week, per investor and must be about the active investor.

3) Deadline to submit is 12:00 p.m. the Wednesday before the next Business Insider, which goes out each Tuesday. Submissions received after the deadline will be considered for the following week providing the content is still relevant.

4) Submissions are to be written in third person – avoid “I”, “we”, “us” and refrain from using CAPS.

5) Submissions for discounts or special offers must be open to the general public as Business Insider is distributed to both investors and non-investors.

6) The Orlando Economic Partnership reserves the right to edit or omit content.


Questions? Contact Jon.Frazier@orlando.org